California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)

The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) is the annual standardized assessment taken by students at Dana Middle. Results are distributed by the district to parents during the summer.


CAASPP scores are used;

  • To monitor progress of the instructional program at Dana
  • To monitor student progress as they matriculate through grade levels
  • As one of multiple criteria for placement in Honors
  • As one of multiple criteria for placement in Accelerated Math

Parents can opt their child out of standardized testing. Click this link for more information.

You can help your children during the upcoming testing period by making sure that they come to school with plenty of rest, a good breakfast, and a positive attitude.  

In addition, please help your child to avoid unnecessary absences during testing by not scheduling appointments and/or planning special trips during this time.

Here are some other ways parents can help their children prepare for standardized tests:

  •  Prepare for tests one day at a time – Some students get so worried about tests that they don’t do well on test day.  Encourage your child to simply do his/her best, and be sure to point out his/her strengths.  Your confidence will be contagious.
  •  The night before the test – When possible, try to spend a relaxing evening at home.  It is important for your child to get a good night’s sleep.
  • Start the day off right –Getting up early on test days helps prevent the morning rush and allows time for a complete, unhurried breakfast.  Avoid topics or arguments that may be upsetting.   Starting the day on a pleasant note will likely send your child to school with good feelings.

Remind your child of the following practical test-taking tips: 

  • Reading or listening carefully to the directions is probably the most helpful thing to do
  • Check answers carefully.  It never hurts to review answers to avoid making careless mistakes.
  • Skip a question and move on if you don’t know the answer.  You can always come back later.  Maybe you will be ready to answer that question then. 
  • Have your child dress in layers – students to better on tests if they don’t have to think about how hot or cold they are.
  • Develop a healthy perspective – Remember, standardized tests are only one way to measure a child’s learning.  Furthermore, standardized tests rarely measure some important things, like creativity, self-discipline, and interpersonal skills.

Most children don’t enjoy tests.  But, helping your children develop a positive attitude about this “fact-of-life” can go a long way in helping them feel better before, during, and after the test. 

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